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There are various programs that can be used to create different digital art. Among these are photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. Both have pros and cons; however, I have chosen to use Illustrator due to the fact that not only prefer the unique tools of Illustrator, but images produced in Illustrator have the ability to be expanded infinitely, without pixelating and the piece losing quality.

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Fine Line

The first artwork I created was based off the album cover for my favourite album – Fine Line by Harry Styles. With this piece I decided to focus on and highlight the linework and colour choice of the album cover. I feel like certain parts of the piece looked out of place or poorly drawn and if I had more time, I would likely have invested it into improving those certain parts. Despite this, I feel that the work turned out relatively well. Aside from that, I made numerous mistakes such as the use of the eyedropper tool, which I personally found to be difficult.

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After researching contemporary artwork for a few days, i stumbled upon an artist whose artwork i really like. The work I took the most inspiration from the image shown on the right. This specific style and design choice became a big part of how i chose to create I'm image and i feel like i replicated this artists design choices well.

When i fist saw this piece, i really liked the way that the colours were slightly misaligned with the rest of the piece, furthermore, i liked the text and how that was also part of the design. Although i chose harsher colours to set the tone, i feel this art gave me alot of inspiration for my final piece.




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With the first piece, I took inspiration from a contemporary artist whose artwork utilised contrast throughout their colours. I tried to replicate this with my own work and am very happy with the completed product. Below are several progress photos and a brief explanation to each. This piece took me roughly a week and a half, but I am very happy with the completed product. Working with different styles allowed me to learn how to use certain tools and manipulate things in ways I didn’t know prior to this project.


ignite art 1 progress 1-1.jpg

Here, I made the outline of my two friends who I had pose as a reference for this image. I then repeated that outline thrice for each person and altered the colours to give off my desired effect.


ignite art 1 progress 2-1.jpg

In this part of my progress, I learnt how to include text in my work, and so, I found a Japanese article on a school shooting that occurred in Osaka, Japan, and used that as the background, also giving the text the ‘glitchy’ design.


ignite art 1 progress 3-1.jpg

This piece took me roughly a week and a half, but I am very happy with the completed product. Working with different styles allowed me to learn how to use certain tools and manipulate things in ways I didn’t know prior to this project.

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This program has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the topic and work with something I’m very interested in. I have learned many of the ‘dos and don’ts’of digital art and have a greater understanding of Adobe Illustrator and how its unique tools and edits can make a great difference on your artwork

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